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Inicio | Centers | Clinic CreuBlanca
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Address: Av. J.V. Foix 63-71 / P. Reina Elisenda, 17
  • Opening hours: 24 hours, including holidays.
  • Contact: 932 522 522
  • Bus: V3, V7, H4, 70
  • FGC: Reina Elisenda, exit J. V. Foix.

Clinic CreuBlanca

At CreuBlanca we are at your side for any medical assistance. Our Emergency Service will treat you and take care of you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Without waiting time and with quality care, uninterrupted and immediate. We attend emergencies and traumatological, cardiological and general medicine emergencies.


In addition, we perform multiple surgical interventions with admission and/or ambulatory. For this reason, we have operating rooms equipped with the most advanced technology that offer greater safety during surgery and rapid postoperative recovery in our Day Hospital area, or in one of the 33 rooms of the Hospitalization Area.


We have parking and catering service at the Clinic itself.



Medical Authorization: H08678950

Clínica CreuBlanca has the most advanced diagnostic imaging technology and equipment, as well as a care offer that covers more than 30 medical specialties and a team of 140 highly qualified professionals.


Opening hours: 24 hours, including holidays


Without appointment

  • Radiology: (rx, orthopantomography, teleradiography, mammography): Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. / Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (only rx)
  • Blood tests: Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturdays from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
  • Delivery of results: Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Emergencies: Monday to Sunday, 24 hours a day throughout the year


By appointment

  • Other services: Monday to Sunday, call 932 522 522
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Our services

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

Abdominal CT

Examination of injuries or discomfort located in the abdomen.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Abdominal MRI

Top-notch test that provides information about the digestive system

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

Abdominal ultrasound

Technique that allows to evaluate the state of the organs of the digestive system.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Arthro MRI

Technique that consists of the evaluation of small lesions inside the joint.

Breast explorations

Bilateral Breast MRI

It allows to evaluate the state of the breasts and mammary tissues to determine the possible presence of abnormalities.

Breast explorations

Bilateral Breast MRI for Prosthesis Monitoring

Test for the control and monitoring of the state of breast prostheses

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

Bilateral breast ultrasound

Screening technique for breast cancer, among other breast pathologies.

Breast explorations

Bilateral Mammography

It allows to explore the breast tissues in search of abnormal tissues, calcifications and any suspicious signs.

Breast explorations

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. An early diagnosis is essential, as it will define the success of the treatment and the chances of a cure, which can be of 100% when detected early. Using precise and specific diagnostic techniques, such as a mammography, breast ultrasound scan or MRI, allows exploring the breasts and detecting any small abnormalities.

Breast explorations

Breast ultrasound with puncture

Technique that consists of the ultrasound-guided extraction of a small sample of cells or breast tissue to determine the presence of a tumor or suspicious lesion.

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

Calcium Score

The Calcium Score by CT is used to detect calcium deposits in the coronary arteries.

Digestive tests

Capsule endoscopic

Technique that allows to visualize the path of the small intestine

Cardiology tests

Cardiac Holter and Holter Blood Pressure

Techniques for the study of the heart and blood pressure levels during daily activity.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Cardiac MRI

Study of the interior of the valves and chambers of the heart to diagnose or rule out a wide variety of cardiac pathologies.

Therapeutic Testing

Colonoscopy with sedation

It is used for visualization and treatment, if necessary, of the colon from the anus to the bottom of the cecum.

Radiology explorations

Conventional Radiology

Conventional Radiology facilitates the observation of the internal structures of the body

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

Coronary CT

Coronary angiography or coronary CT is a test that allows to evaluate the state of the coronary arteries.

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

Cranial CT

Technique that evaluates the state of the bones of the skull, the paranasal sinuses, the soft tissues of the brain and the blood vessels that run through it.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Cranial MRI

Diagnostic test for the study of the brain and brainstem


Cranial PET CT

Specific test for early diagnosis and monitoring of brain tumor lesions.

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

CT Artrum

Technique that combines the introduction of contrast into the joint with the acquisition of images by CT.

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

CT for the diagnosis of gout

The TAC Dual Energy detects the areas affected by the accumulation of uric acid crystals inside the joints.

Urological explorations


Procedure to visualize the inside of the urinary bladder.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

d-GEMRIC cartilage MRI

Technique that allows the study of cartilage deterioration.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Dynawell MRI

Magnetic Resonance with Dynawell technology for the study of the pathology of the lumbosacral spine.

Cardiology tests


Technique to analyze the structure and function of the heart and detect possible anomalies.



Technique that allows to record the electrical activity brain in the waking state.



Diagnostic procedure used to assess the health of muscles and the nerve cells that control them.


Endocrine PET TC

Specific test for early diagnosis and monitoring of neuroendocrine tumors.

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

Epigastric CT

Technique used to locate perforating blood vessels to be used in breast reconstruction.


Evoked potentials

Technique that consists of recording the brain's responses to different stimuli.

Digestive tests

Fibroscan and steatoscan

Technique that allows the study and subsequent evolution and prognosis of different liver diseases.

Urological explorations


Technique used to measure voiding flow

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

Foot Weight Bearing CT

Technique used for the diagnosis of joint and bone problems that affect the foot and ankle.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Full Body MRI

Full body study.

Digestive tests

Helicobacter pylori breath test

A painless, non-invasive test designed to detect the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach, which is associated with various gastric diseases.

Digestive tests

Hydrogen breath test

A painless, non-invasive test designed for the detection of various digestive disorders, such as SIBO and lactose, sorbitol and fructose malabsorption.

Radiology explorations

Interventional Radiology

Discipline that uses diagnostic imaging techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI or MRN) is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that, by means of powerful magnets and radio waves, allows obtaining high resolution cross-sections of soft parts of the body, such as ligaments, muscles and tendons. This technique has a high diagnostic accuracy for detecting multiple pathologies.

Breast explorations

Mammography + Breast ultrasound

Complementary techniques that help early detection of breast cancer.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI Angiography

Technique that allows to visualize the blood vessels and see their possible pathologies.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI Bone Reconstruction

It allows to better evaluate the morphology and trajectory of bone fractures.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI Cartilage Mapping / T1 and T2 Mapping

Technique that allows diagnosing cartilage injuries.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI for patients with pacemakers

If you are a pacemaker carrier, we have the means to give you an MRI.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI for the detection of Ménière’s disease

Technique that allows the diagnosis of Ménière's disease.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI for the diagnosis of Crohn’s

Technique for the diagnosis of Crohn's disease.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI Limphotography

This test allows to know the causes of the swelling of the extremities or any other part of the body.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI Neurography

Objective technique for the evaluation of peripheral neuropathy

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Multiparameter bladder MRI

Non-invasive diagnostic technique that allows to determine the extent and severity of buffet cancer.

Urological explorations

Multiparameter Prostate MRI

Specific test for the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

Osteoarticular CT

Imaging diagnostic technique to evaluate lesions in shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles, feet...

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Osteoarticular MRI

Diagnostic imaging technique to evaluate injuries to shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles, feet...


PET CT choline

Specific test for the diagnosis and monitoring of prostate cancer.


PET CT Cranial Amyloid

Technique that evaluates the presence of neurodegenerative pathologies such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.



Specific test for the diagnosis and monitoring of prostate cancer.



Nuclear medicine technique for the early diagnosis, staging and monitoring of oncological processes (full body, endocrino, urological, cardiological, neurological...).



Technique that records brain electrical activity during sleep

Radiology explorations

Preoperative Study

Conjunto de pruebas previas a cualquier intervención o prueba que requiera de una anestesia.


A radiography is a fast, painless diagnostic technique that uses X-rays to obtain images of internal body structures, especially the bones. New techniques, such as Computed Radiography (CR) and Digital Radiography (DR), allow for higher quality projections and visual sharpness, as well as using low doses of ionising radiation.

Urological explorations

Robotic Fusion Prostate Biopsy Robot Artemis

Minimally invasive technique that facilitates access to the prostate and provides precision in the location of prostate lesions.

Radiology explorations

Scoliogram and Telemetry

Full spine and lower extremity radiographs.

Cardiology tests

Stress test

Technique to know the state of health of your heart and respiratory system.

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

The ultrasound scan is a simple, fast, non-invasive diagnostic technique that uses sound waves (ultrasounds) to generate images of organs, tissue and structures inside the body. During the scan, the specialist slides a device called a transducer over the part of the body to be studied. This transducer sends sound waves (ultrasounds) that bounce off different organs and tissues, forming the image.

Urological explorations


Test to determine the functional status of the bladder and sphincters, in relation to their storage capacity and evacuation of urine.

Urological explorations

Urological MRI

Evaluates the state of the organs of the male and female urinary system.

Urological explorations

Urological ultrasound

We make all kinds of urological ultrasounds: Renal, Prostatic, Testicular, Vesical, Reno-vesico-prostatic.

Digestive tests

Virtual Colonoscopy (CT)

Non-invasive technique for the visualització of the còlon

Medical check-ups by specialty
Cardiology check-up

A comprehensive check-up for the prevention and early diagnosis of cardiovascular pathologies in athletes.

Medical check-ups by specialty
Digestive system check-up

A check-up for the prevention and early diagnosis of gastrointestinal, hepatic and colorectal pathologies.

Medical check-ups by specialty
Gynaecological check-up

A comprehensive check-up for the prevention and early diagnosis of gynaecological pathologies.

Medical check-ups by specialty
Ophthalmological check-up

A check-up for the prevention and early diagnosis of eye pathologies and vision problems.


Allergology is the medical speciality that studies, diagnoses and treats the different allergic conditions suffered by more than 10 million adults every day. The diagnosis in the initial stages of the disease allows controlling the symptoms, thus preventing them from progressing and worsening, which results in an improvement of our patients' quality of life.

Analysis laboratory

We carry out extractions and clinical analyses in all our centres based on a medical request. We offer a comprehensive service in all our centres with the highest quality standards.


Anesthesiology is the medical specialty dedicated to the special and intensive care of the patient before, during and after surgical interventions or other diagnostic or therapeutic procedures that require the practice of anesthesia or sedation (endoscopy, interventional radiology, etc.).

Angiology and vascular surgery

Angiology is a medical-surgical speciality that deals with diseases of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Our angiologists insist on the importance of carrying out a vascular check from the age of 50 to detect and treat, early, any vascular disease or pathology. Heart attack, stroke and pulmonary thromboembolism are diseases caused by vascular problems and their early detection is essential.


Cardiology is the branch of medicine focusing on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the heart, blood vessels and circulatory system. At CreuBlanca we have a cardiology unit in which GPs, clinical cardiologists, cardiac imaging specialists and arrhythmologists work together.


Chiropody is the medical-surgical speciality that studies, diagnoses and treats diseases and disorders that affect the feet. Do you feel discomfort in the heel, arch, instep, sole or toes? Do you practice an impact sport that could cause foot injuries?


The skin is the largest organ in our body. Dermatology is the branch of medicine that studies, diagnoses, prevents and treats diseases that affect nails, hair, mucous membranes and skin.

Diagnostic Imaging

Imaging Diagnosis is the medical specialty responsible for generating images of the interior of the body through the use of X-rays, ultrasounds and magnetic fields, among other physical agents, for the diagnosis and treatment of multiple pathologies.


The emergency service offers assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to attend to any symptom, accident or pathology that requires immediate treatment.


Endocrinology is the medical speciality that diagnoses and treats hormonal, metabolic and nutritional diseases. The endocrinologist will detect and treat conditions related to the glands and hormonal system, also known as the endocrine system.


Digestology is the medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. At CreuBlanca, the specialty of digestology covers liver diseases as well as diseases of the digestive tract, biliary tract and pancreas.

General and internal medicine

General and internal medicine is the medical speciality aimed at preventing, diagnosing and treating the general health of patients. Our team of GPs are the foundation of medical care at CreuBlanca centres, and they will help you with any concerns regarding your health.

General surgery

General surgery covers the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that are cured through surgical procedures. At CreuBlanca we have a unit specialising in general surgery in which specialists in breast oncology, colorectal surgery, the abdominal wall and laparoscopic surgery work together.


Gynaecology is the medical and surgical speciality that treats diseases of the female reproductive system. Do not forget to undergo a yearly check-up to prevent illnesses and make sure everything is in order. Through a physical examination, our team of gynaecologists will check that your uterus and vagina, as well as your ovaries and breasts, are in good health.

Maxillofacial surgery

Maxillofacial surgery covers the preventive study, diagnosis, surgery and treatment of congenital diseases or pathologies affecting the jaw, mouth, head, neck and teeth. Maxillofacial surgeons treat injuries caused by trauma and injuries, as well as pathologies caused by congenital malformations, tumours, infections or ageing.


Neurology studies, prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system that affect the brain and spinal cord. Our neurologists will prescribe a treatment without surgery focused on preventing and rehabilitating conditions that affect the brain, skull and spine.


Neurophysiology is the medical speciality that studies, explores and records the functional activity of the central and peripheral nervous system, providing other specialists with the neurophysiological examinations necessary for the early detection of muscle and neurodegenerative diseases.


Neurosurgery is the medical speciality that studies the pathologies of the central and peripheral nervous system. Our neurosurgeons put their entire talent into preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases that affect the brain, spinal cord, and cranial and spinal nerves.

Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear Medicine is a medical specialty that uses radioactive substances (radiopharmaceuticals) for the diagnosis and treatment of different diseases.


Ophthalmology is the medical-surgical speciality that studies, diagnoses and treats diseases related to the eye. Our ophthalmologists know that bad vision seriously hinders our quality of life and can even prevent us from doing any professional or daily activity.


Otorhinolaryngology is the medical-surgical speciality that studies, diagnoses and treats diseases and disorders that affect the ear, nose, pharynx and larynx. Do you hear ringing or buzzing? Have you lost your sense of smell? Do you have difficulty swallowing?

Pain clinic

The pain clinic has a specialised unit in CreuBlanca. In the pain unit our professionals will provide a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment to minimise any high-intensity chronic pain that hinders your quality of life.

Plastic and reconstructive surgery

Plastic or cosmetic surgery is performed to restore various areas of the body, whether for health or aesthetic reasons. Our plastic and reconstructive surgeons carry out their work by focusing on achieving an aesthetically optimal result after the surgery.


Pulmonology is the medical speciality that studies, prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases of the respiratory system, specifically of the lungs, mediastinum (inside the rib cage) and pleura (tissue that covers the lungs).


Rheumatology is the medical discipline that prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system. The rheumatologist treats diseases of the locomotor system and connective tissue, working closely with the traumatologist, which is the specialist who will perform the surgery if required.

Sports medicine

Sports medicine prevents, diagnoses and treats the impact of sports on the human body. Sports medicine specialists prevent and treat sports-related diseases and injuries suffered by affiliated, school, amateur and professional athletes. They conduct an in-depth check-up not only with a preventive purpose, but also to boost your performance.


Traumatology is the medical-surgical specialty that diagnoses and treats injuries of the locomotor system. The traumatologist will deal with trauma of congenital, tumoral and degenerative origin, but also with emergency traumatic injuries in both adults and children.


Urology is the medical-surgical specialty that prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases related to the urinary system as well as the male reproductive system. The urologist will be in charge of preventing and treating disorders of the prostate, bladder, kidney, urethra and ureters as well as disorders of the penis and testicles.

Our specialists

Dr. Piñero Zomeño, Adrià

Activity carried out: Urology and andrology consultations, Urological check-ups. Specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Fernández Guardiola, Agustín

Activity carried out: Ophthalmological consultation, ophthalmological check-ups

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Jiménez Obach, Albert

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
General surgery

Dr. Solans Domènech, Albert

Activity carried out: General surgery consultations and surgical procedures. Proctology consultations and operations

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Gómez , Alberto

Activity carried out: Visits to the Emergency Department

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Lledó Macau, Alberto

Activity carried out: Neurological consultations

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Lluch Bergadà, Alejandro

Activity carried out: Arthrosis of the upper limb, biomechanics of the wrist, microsurgery, traumatic injuries and sports injuries.

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Siedi, Álvaro

Activity carried out: Rdaiology: CT and MRI reports, Ultrasounds

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme

Dra. Castillo Domínguez, Ana

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Carreño Delgado, Ana Mª

Activity carried out: Fractures and dislocations of the upper limb, tendon injuries, orthogeriatrics and microsurgery.

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dra. Scott de Rivas, Ana

Activity carried out: Fractures and dislocations of the upper extremity, tendon injuries

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme

Dr. Ferreres Claramunt, Ángel

Activity carried out: Wrist, elbow and finger joint prostheses, microsurgery, rheumatoid hand arthrosis, Dupuytren’s contracture, traumatic injuries and their sequelae.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme
Diagnostic Imaging

Dra. Lluís Mourenza, Anna

Activity carried out: Digestive, urological, muscle, skin, surface, thyroid and interventional ultrasound scans

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Tarradellas, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Vela Martínez, Antonio

Activity carried out: Head of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Unit. Gynaecological check-ups, pregnancy control and monitoring, gynaecological and prenatal ultrasound scans

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Dr. Palacio Maestre, Aurelio

Activity carried out: Visits in the Emergency Department.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme

Dra. López Torres, Beatriz

Activity carried out: Cardiology consultation, cardiac check-ups, cardiac stress tests, echocardiograms, echo-dopplers

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Romero Carrete, Carlos José

Activity carried out: Internal medicine consultations

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Parunella Llorca, Carlos

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dra. Deirós García, Carmen

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dra. Méndez Pellicer, Carmen

Activity carried out: Digestive consultations, digestive and urological ultrasound scans, colonoscopy

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Pain clinic

Dr. Gracia Fabre, Cesar

Activity carried out: Specialist in anaesthesiology, resuscitation and pain management

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme

Dr. Delgado Pugley, Cid Aurelio

Activity carried out: Isolated fiber electromyogram, Neurophysiological study of the pelvic floor, Electromyogram assisted with ultrasound, Conventional electromyogram.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Cadena Lozano, Daniel

Activity carried out: Visits in the ER.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme

Dr. Gómez Osorio, Daniel

Activity carried out: General Medicine Visits.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme

Dra. Ibarra Vargas, Daniela Albina

Activity carried out: Cardiology Consultations

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme
Diagnostic Imaging

Dra. Di Gregorio, Silvana

Activity carried out: Adult Endocrinology, 3D Densitometry

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Tarradellas
Pain clinic

Dra. Navas Araque, Edna

Activity carried out: Consultation, diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Pain clinic

Dra. Català Puigbó, Elena

Activity carried out: Consultations and treatments in the Pain Unit

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Miret Alomar, Enric

Activity carried out: Urology medical visits, holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP), transurethral resection of the prostate, endoscopic surgery for lithiasis

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Sr. Delgado Gallardo, Eric

Activity carried out: Chiropody consultation, baropodometry, moulds, insoles… Specialist in podiatric surgery

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. de la Roca Pinzón, Federico

Activity carried out: Allergology consultations. Study of respiratory allergy, food, medication...

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Torner Rubies, Ferran

Activity carried out: Traumatology visits for children and adults up to the age of 40 years

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Carreras Costa, Francesc

Activity carried out: Specialist in cardiac imaging: Coronary MRI and CT, Cardiological consultations

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Serrallach Orejas, Francesc

Activity carried out: Urology and andrology consultations, urological check-ups, prostate biopsies

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica
General and internal medicine

Dr. Franco Díaz, Francisco

Activity carried out: General medicine consultations, medical certificates, medical check-ups

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica
Nuclear Medicine

Dr. Porta Biosca, Francisco

Activity carried out: Head of the Nuclear Medicine Unit: scintigraphy, cardiac SPECTS…

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica
Dietetics and nutrition

Dr. Zucchiatti , Gastone

Activity carried out: Specialist in General Medicine, weight control and smoking cessation. Assistance in the Emergency Service.

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Plastic and reconstructive surgery

Dra. Pons Playa, Gemma

Activity carried out: Plastic surgery consultations and surgical procedures related to the speciality: breast augmentation and reduction, liposuction, ears, lips, rhinoplasties…

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Maxillofacial surgery

Dr. Vendrell Escofet, Gerard

Activity carried out: Oral and maxillofacial surgery consultations and surgical procedures related to the speciality.

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Azparren Cabezón, Gonzalo

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Sra. March Sorribes , Griselda

Activity carried out: Chiropody consultation, baropodometry, moulds, insoles… Specialist in podiatric surgery

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Lucar López, Gustavo

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Sports medicine

Dr. Montenegro , Gustavo

Activity carried out: Sports medical check-ups. Traumatology consultation.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Lia, Hernán Leonardo

Activity carried out: Otorhinolaryngology consultations.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica

Dra. Vives Llorente, Inmaculada

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Gómez Ramírez, Iván

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Gumbau Martínez, J. Pascual

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Planas Morín, Jacques

Activity carried out: Urology consultations. Specialist in prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. Robotic surgery (Da Vinci).

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. de Pineda Alvarez, Javier

Activity carried out: Gynaecology consultations

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica
General surgery

Dr. Naval Álvaro, Javier

Activity carried out: General surgery consultations and surgical procedures.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Hernandez Mancera, Jhonatan Alejandro

Activity carried out: Drafting of uro-radiological reports

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Taboada Villca, Jonathan

Activity carried out: Drafting of MRI and CT radiological reports, conducting ultrasound scans

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Sports medicine

Dr. Gibert Preixens, Jordi

Activity carried out: Traumatology Consultations. Specialist in Sports Medicine.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Ruscalleda Nadal, Jordi

Activity carried out: Head of the Neuroradiology Unit. Diagnostic imaging: MRI, CT

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Ramon Mazo, Jorge

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Roig Cutillas, Jorge

Activity carried out: Pneumological consultations, respiratory function tests

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Alcaraz Serrat, José Andrés

Activity carried out: Digestology consultations, endoscopy, colonoscopy

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Villanueva Ferrer, José Antonio

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
General surgery

Dr. Pérez García, José Ignacio

Activity carried out: General and digestive system surgery and endocrine surgery. Consultations and surgical procedures

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Sánchez González, José

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Just Timoneda, Josep

Activity carried out: Digestive consultations, abdominal ultrasound scans, conventional colonoscopy, gastroscopy

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Massons Albareda, Josep

Activity carried out: Traumatologist, shoulder specialist

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Clavero Torrent, Juan Ángel

Activity carried out: Dental studies by CT, MRI, CT, X-rays.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Pelayo, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Diaz Mejia, Juan Ignacio

Activity carried out: Visits in the Emergency Department

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Iborra San José, Juan Ignacio

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Llopis Manzanera, Juan

Activity carried out: Urology consultations, fluxometries

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. González López, Julio

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Martí Almor, Julio

Activity carried out: Specialist in arrhythmias, electrophysiology and pacemakers.

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Diagnostic Imaging

Dra. Tcholakian , Larisa

Activity carried out: Rdaiology: CT and MRI reports

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica

Dra. Araujo Pino, Lesly Noelia

Activity carried out: Cardiology consultations.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Regis , Lucas

Activity carried out: Urology consultations. Specialist in prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment. Robotic fusion prostate biopsy. Robotic surgery

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Hurtado Salom, Luis Carlos

Activity carried out: Diagnostic imaging: CT, X-ray, MRI, Breast ultrasound with needle aspiration

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme

Dr. Segura Martínez, Luis Fernando

Activity carried out: Cardiology consultation, cardiac check-ups, cardiac stress tests, echocardiograms.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Ramírez Núñez, Luis José

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Llinares Riera, Luis

Activity carried out: Rheumatology visits

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Dra. Cueva Castro, Luisa Fernanda

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dra. Gil de Bernabé, Mª Àngels

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dra. Iñiguez Navarro, Mª Dolores

Activity carried out: Dermatology consultations

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Ballester Alomar, Manel

Activity carried out: Head of the Traumatology and Orthopaedic Surgery Unit, consultations and surgeries

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme
Maxillofacial surgery

Dr. Espino Segura-Illa, Marc

Activity carried out: Oral and maxillofacial surgery consultations and surgical procedures related to the speciality.

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Casaccia , Marcelo

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dra. Larrea Zábalo, María

Activity carried out: Fractures and dislocations of the upper extremity, tendon injuries

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dra. Argilaga Nogués, Marta

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Pain clinic

Dra. Ferrándiz Mach, Marta

Activity carried out: Consultation, diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dra. Melo Cruz, Marta

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Descalzo , Martin

Activity carried out: Cardiac Imaging Specialist (Echocardiography, Stress Echocardiogram, Transesophageal, Cardio-MRI and Multislice Cardio-CT)

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dra. Font Bilbeny, Mercè

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Barranco Sanz, Miguel Angel

Activity carried out: Urology and andrology consultations, urological check-ups. Specialist in prostate cancer diagnosis.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Pérez Abad, Miguel

Activity carried out: Traumatology and hand surgery visits

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dra. Esplugas Mimo, Mireia

Activity carried out: (1) Wrist arthroscopy: scapholunate ligament injury; triangular fibrocartilage injury; scaphoid fracture; wrist fracture (radius); sports injuries; (2) Arthroscopy of the fingers and thumb: arthrosis, arthritis; (3) Microsurgery of the median and ulnar nerves: carpal tunnel syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome; (4) Infiltrations under ultrasound visualisation of the hand and wrist.

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dra. Bayo Sans, Montserrat

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Menem Akil, Muhammad Malek

Activity carried out: Visits to the Emergency Department

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Sra. Pintor Durán, Neus

Activity carried out: Clinical psychology medical visits.

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dra. Ardisana Cruz, Osdaly

Activity carried out: Visits to the Emergency Department

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Serra Pujol, Pere

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Pain clinic

Dr. Cuello Santana, Rafael

Activity carried out: Consultations and treatments in the Pain Clinic.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme

Dr. Plaza García, Raúl

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Plastic and reconstructive surgery

Dr. Palao Domènech, Ricard

Activity carried out: Plastic surgery consultations and surgical procedures related to the speciality: breast augmentation and reduction, liposuction, ears, lips, rhinoplasties…

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Nuevo Pérez, Ricardo

Activity carried out: Radiology reports

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, CreuBlanca Pelayo, CreuBlanca Tarradellas, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Banegas Argota, Sebastian

Activity carried out: Ophthalmology consultations

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica
Plastic and reconstructive surgery

Dr. Condrea , Silvia

Activity carried out: Plastic surgery consultations and surgical procedures related to the speciality: breast augmentation and reduction, liposuction, ears, lips, rhinoplasties…

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
General surgery

Dra. Grau Llacuna, Silvia

Activity carried out: General surgery consultations and surgical procedures.

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca

Dr. Lainez Romo, Víctor

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Trejo Martínez, Víctor

Activity carried out: General medicine consultations and Emergency Department assistance

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica

Dra. Baños Lapuente, Victoria

Activity carried out: Anesthetist in outbreak and exploratory tests

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Diagnostic Imaging

Dra. Catalá Sventzetzky, Violeta

Activity carried out: Head of the Uro-Radiology Unit: Coordinating the Unit and drafting urological and prostate MRI reports

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Alomar Serrallach, Xavier

Activity carried out: Head of R&D&I for diagnostic imaging: MRI and CT

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica
General surgery

Dr. Viñas Trullen, Xavier

Activity carried out: General Surgery consultations.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme

Dr. Beovides Medero, Yasser

Activity carried out: Cardiology consultation, cardiac check-ups, ergometry, echocardiograms, echo-Doppler

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca


CreuBlanca Maresme

C/ Pablo Iglesias, 43, Mataró

937 37 97 37

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Diagnosis Médica

C/ Córcega, 345

932 17 17 00

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CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Av. Josep Tarradellas, 104

934 192 323

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Clinic CreuBlanca

Av. J.V. Foix 63-71 / P. Reina Elisenda, 17

932 522 522

How to get there

CreuBlanca Pelayo

C/ Pelai, 40

934 121 212

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