Conventional prostate biopsy
What does it consist of?
It is a surgical technique that is practiced in an outpatient operating room and can be performed under sedation. Its purpose is the study by biopsy of prostate abnormalities (PSA alterations), in order to differentiate between benign diseases and those that are not, that is, to determine whether or not there is prostate cancer.
The technique consists of pricking the prostate with a fine needle and under ultrasound control through the perineum in order to obtain several samples of the prostate tissue to be studied. To perform the test requires a previous preparation to clean the intestine, antibiotic treatment must be administered and in case of taking anticoagulant treatment, aspirin or similar, you should talk to your doctor.

Who is it for?
Your urologist may recommend a prostate biopsy if:
- A PSA test shows higher levels than normal for your age
- The doctor finds lumps or other abnormalities during digital rectal examination
- Have had a previous biopsy that results were normal, but you still have elevated PSA levels
- An earlier biopsy revealed prostate tissue cells that were abnormal, but not cancerous.

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