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Inicio | Diagnostic tests | MRI Angiography
MRI Angiography (ARM)

What does it consist of?

Unlike traditional angiography, which involves placing a tube (catheter), MRI Angio (MRA) is performed by administering intravenous contrast. To carry out the test, you will have to lie face up with your head resting on a cushion and a radiologist will inject you with contrast to mark the area to be studied. Next, the stretcher will move until the area of the body to be studied is in the center of the resonance equipment.


The test can last from 20 to 45 minutes. During this time, you will have to remain as calm as possible, since the taking of images is not continuous, but different image planes are made. Once finished you can continue with your daily life as normal.

Fractura oblicua de peroné infrasindesmal Cortes coronales, sagitales y axiales.(4)

Who is it for?

At CreuBlanca we perform angioresonance or MRA of the different parts of the body:

  • MRI angiography of the abdomen. Study of the vascular anatomy of the abdomen.
  • MR angiography of the lower extremities. Explore the blood vessels in the legs.
  • Hand MRI angiography. Evaluate the arteries of the hand in case of suspicion of vascular disease in the upper extremity.
  • Angiography MRI standing. Study of the arterial supply of the foot.
  • Renal MRI angiography. Evaluates the condition of the renal arteries, responsible for supplying blood to the kidney, adrenal gland, and ureters.
  • Subclavian MRI angiography. Explore the subclavian artery, which, along with the carotid artery, is the main supplier of oxygen-rich blood to the head, brain, neck, and chest area.
  • Angio MRI of carotids. Study of possible anomalies in the carotid arteries, located on both sides of the neck and the main supply routes of oxygenated blood to the brain.
  • Angio MRI of the skull. Study of the vertebrobasilar system. This includes the vertebral arteries and the basilar artery, which supply blood to the posterior area of the brain and to both cerebral hemispheres.
  • Chest MRI angiography. Study of the vascular anatomy of the thorax, with special emphasis on the thoracic aorta.
  • Pelvic MRI angiography. Explore the iliac arteries, which supply oxygenated blood to the bladder, uterus and cervix, vagina and rectum, among other pelvic tissues such as the gluteal and perineal muscles.
Diseño sin título (74)

Medical professionals

The specialists who will assist you at CreuBlanca

A team of professionals to take care of you.
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Siedi, Álvaro

Activity carried out: Rdaiology: CT and MRI reports, Ultrasounds

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Taboada Villca, Jonathan

Activity carried out: Drafting of MRI and CT radiological reports, conducting ultrasound scans

Center: Clinic CreuBlanca
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Ruscalleda Nadal, Jordi

Activity carried out: Head of the Neuroradiology Unit. Diagnostic imaging: MRI, CT

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Clavero Torrent, Juan Ángel

Activity carried out: Dental studies by CT, MRI, CT, X-rays.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Pelayo, Diagnosis Médica
Diagnostic Imaging

Dra. Tcholakian , Larisa

Activity carried out: Rdaiology: CT and MRI reports

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Alomar Serrallach, Xavier

Activity carried out: Head of R&D&I for diagnostic imaging: MRI and CT

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica