Dr. Ferreres is a prestigious specialist in Traumatology, specifically in hand surgery. With more than 35 years of experience, he specializes in prosthetic wrist, elbow and finger joints, microsurgery, rheumatoid hand arthrosis, Dupuytren’s, traumatic injuries and their sequelae.
CreuBlanca Centers
Our centers
![Clinic CreuBlanca](https://creu-blanca.es/wp-content/uploads/c_clinicacreublanca_P1.jpg)
Clinic CreuBlanca
![CreuBlanca Maresme](https://creu-blanca.es/wp-content/uploads/foto-web_maresme.png)
CreuBlanca Maresme
The opinion of experts
The CreuBlanca blog
How to Tackle Blue Monday: Tips for Overcoming the “Saddest Day of the Year”
Talking about Osteoporosis, with Dr. Rebull