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Inicio | Centers | Diagnosis Médica
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Address: C/ Córcega, 345
  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 7:00 to 22:00
  • Contact: 932 17 17 00
  • Bus: 39, H8, V17, 6, 33, 34, 47, 7, 22, 24, V17
  • FGC: Provença L6, L7, S1, S2
  • Metro: L3 (Diagonal), L5 (Diagonal)
  • Renfe: Plaza Cataluña and/or Paseo de Gracia

Diagnosis Médica

Diagnosis Médica stands in the heart of Barcelona. This ​​center combines high technology and the best medical professionals to offer the best private assistance.


The center has 2 floors for the Radiology Area. It is possible to perform MRIs, TACs, Conventional and Contrasted Radiology and Nuclear Medicine tests.


Medical care is offered in all specialties, as well as almost all diagnostic tests (ultrasound scans, stress tests…)


Parking: Torrent de l’olla Street (BSM)


Medical Authorization: E08001999


Diagnosis Médica is specialised in radiodiagnostics and it offers assistance in different medical specialities. More than 60 professionals with extensive experience cover all the medical specialities in a single centre.



Opening hours: de 7h a 22h Monday to Friday

Saturdays, Sundays and holidays go to Clínica CreuBlanca


Without an appointment

  • Radiology: (Chest rx, bones, ortopantomography, telerradiography, mamography): Monday to Friday: 8h to 20:30h
  • Blood test: Monday to Friday: de 8h to 10h.
  • Delivery results: Monday to Friday: 8h to 20h.
  • Medical Certificates: Monday to Friday: 9h to 13h and 16h to 20h


With an appointment

  • Other services: Monday to Friday, phone to 93 217 17 00

Our services

Radiology explorations

3D densitometry

Bone densitometry is a diagnostic technique that allows the measurement of bone mineral density.

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

Abdominal CT

Examination of injuries or discomfort located in the abdomen.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Abdominal MRI

Top-notch test that provides information about the digestive system

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

Abdominal ultrasound

Technique that allows to evaluate the state of the organs of the digestive system.

Breast explorations

Bilateral Breast MRI

It allows to evaluate the state of the breasts and mammary tissues to determine the possible presence of abnormalities.

Breast explorations

Bilateral Mammography

It allows to explore the breast tissues in search of abnormal tissues, calcifications and any suspicious signs.

Radiology explorations

Bone densitometry

Bone densitometry is a diagnostic technique that allows the measurement of bone mineral density.

Nuclear Medicine

Bone scintigraphy

This technique allows the diagnosis, among other pathologies, of bone metastases.

Breast explorations

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. An early diagnosis is essential, as it will define the success of the treatment and the chances of a cure, which can be of 100% when detected early. Using precise and specific diagnostic techniques, such as a mammography, breast ultrasound scan or MRI, allows exploring the breasts and detecting any small abnormalities.

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

Calcium Score

The Calcium Score by CT is used to detect calcium deposits in the coronary arteries.

Cardiology tests

Cardiac Holter and Holter Blood Pressure

Techniques for the study of the heart and blood pressure levels during daily activity.

Digestive tests

Colonic Transit Time

Technique to assess colon motility

Radiology explorations

Contrast Radiology

Contrast radiology is a diagnostic technique that combines the use of RX and contrast media to visualize internal structures of the body (opaque enema, hysterosalpingography, cystography, urethrography, pyelography, CUMS, intestinal transit, sialography, colonic transit).

Radiology explorations

Conventional Radiology

Conventional Radiology facilitates the observation of the internal structures of the body

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

Cranial CT

Technique that evaluates the state of the bones of the skull, the paranasal sinuses, the soft tissues of the brain and the blood vessels that run through it.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Cranial MRI

Diagnostic test for the study of the brain and brainstem

Radiology explorations


Diagnostic technique that, through the use of X-rays, allows visualizing the interior of the lacrimal ducts and sacs of the eye.

Cardiology tests


Technique to analyze the structure and function of the heart and detect possible anomalies.



Diagnostic procedure used to assess the health of muscles and the nerve cells that control them.

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

Epigastric CT

Technique used to locate perforating blood vessels to be used in breast reconstruction.

Urological explorations


Technique used to measure voiding flow

Nuclear Medicine


Imaging diagnostic method that uses tracers labeled with radioactive isotopes for the study of lymphatic vessels.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI or MRN) is a non-invasive diagnostic technique that, by means of powerful magnets and radio waves, allows obtaining high resolution cross-sections of soft parts of the body, such as ligaments, muscles and tendons. This technique has a high diagnostic accuracy for detecting multiple pathologies.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI Angiography

Technique that allows to visualize the blood vessels and see their possible pathologies.

Urological explorations

Multiparameter Prostate MRI

Specific test for the diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Osteoarticular MRI

Diagnostic imaging technique to evaluate injuries to shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles, feet...

Radiology explorations

Preoperative Study

Conjunto de pruebas previas a cualquier intervención o prueba que requiera de una anestesia.


A radiography is a fast, painless diagnostic technique that uses X-rays to obtain images of internal body structures, especially the bones. New techniques, such as Computed Radiography (CR) and Digital Radiography (DR), allow for higher quality projections and visual sharpness, as well as using low doses of ionising radiation.

Nuclear Medicine


Technique for local treatment of synovial inflammation.

Nuclear Medicine

Renal scintigraphy

This technique evaluates the morphology and function of the kidneys.

Radiology explorations

Scoliogram and Telemetry

Full spine and lower extremity radiographs.

Nuclear Medicine


Nuclear medicine technique to evaluate the functioning of different organs and contribute to the diagnosis of multiple pathologies, particularly bone.

Nuclear Medicine

Thyroid scintigraphy

Technique that evaluates the morphology and function of the thyroid gland.

Cardiology tests

Tilt Test

Technique for the study of possible arrhythmias

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

The ultrasound scan is a simple, fast, non-invasive diagnostic technique that uses sound waves (ultrasounds) to generate images of organs, tissue and structures inside the body. During the scan, the specialist slides a device called a transducer over the part of the body to be studied. This transducer sends sound waves (ultrasounds) that bounce off different organs and tissues, forming the image.

Urological explorations

Prostate cancer is the second most common tumour in men. An early diagnosis is essential, as it will define the success of the treatment and the chances of a cure. As with all types of cancer, the diagnostic journey begins with a blood test, a series of image tests and, lastly, a biopsy to confirm the result.

Urological explorations

Urological MRI

Evaluates the state of the organs of the male and female urinary system.

Urological explorations

Urological ultrasound

We make all kinds of urological ultrasounds: Renal, Prostatic, Testicular, Vesical, Reno-vesico-prostatic.

Digestive tests

Virtual Colonoscopy (CT)

Non-invasive technique for the visualització of the còlon

Medical check-ups by specialty
Cardiology check-up

A comprehensive check-up for the prevention and early diagnosis of cardiovascular pathologies in athletes.

Other medical check-ups and certificates
Certificate of possession of dangerous animals

Review to determine if a person is fit to be in charge of an animal considered potentially dangerous or aggressive.

Medical check-ups by specialty
Gynaecological check-up

A comprehensive check-up for the prevention and early diagnosis of gynaecological pathologies.

Sports medical check-ups
Medical certificate for scuba diving

A check-up to rule out any pathology that may contraindicate the practice of sport.

Medical check-ups by specialty
Ophthalmological check-up

A check-up for the prevention and early diagnosis of eye pathologies and vision problems.

Analysis laboratory

We carry out extractions and clinical analyses in all our centres based on a medical request. We offer a comprehensive service in all our centres with the highest quality standards.

Angiology and vascular surgery

Angiology is a medical-surgical speciality that deals with diseases of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Our angiologists insist on the importance of carrying out a vascular check from the age of 50 to detect and treat, early, any vascular disease or pathology. Heart attack, stroke and pulmonary thromboembolism are diseases caused by vascular problems and their early detection is essential.


Cardiology is the branch of medicine focusing on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the heart, blood vessels and circulatory system. At CreuBlanca we have a cardiology unit in which GPs, clinical cardiologists, cardiac imaging specialists and arrhythmologists work together.


The skin is the largest organ in our body. Dermatology is the branch of medicine that studies, diagnoses, prevents and treats diseases that affect nails, hair, mucous membranes and skin.

Diagnostic Imaging

Imaging Diagnosis is the medical specialty responsible for generating images of the interior of the body through the use of X-rays, ultrasounds and magnetic fields, among other physical agents, for the diagnosis and treatment of multiple pathologies.

Dietetics and nutrition

Our dieticians and nutritionists promote people's nutritional education and will help you improve your health through diet. Losing weight does not mean going hungry, but eating healthy and varied. At CreuBlanca we will remain by your side on this long journey, supporting you and controlling your health at all times.

Digestive medicine

Digestive medicine is the medical speciality that covers the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. At CreuBlanca the digestive medicine speciality covers liver diseases related to the digestive tract, biliary duct and pancreas.

General and internal medicine

General and internal medicine is the medical speciality aimed at preventing, diagnosing and treating the general health of patients. Our team of GPs are the foundation of medical care at CreuBlanca centres, and they will help you with any concerns regarding your health.

General surgery

General surgery covers the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that are cured through surgical procedures. At CreuBlanca we have a unit specialising in general surgery in which specialists in breast oncology, colorectal surgery, the abdominal wall and laparoscopic surgery work together.


Gynaecology is the medical and surgical speciality that treats diseases of the female reproductive system. Do not forget to undergo a yearly check-up to prevent illnesses and make sure everything is in order. Through a physical examination, our team of gynaecologists will check that your uterus and vagina, as well as your ovaries and breasts, are in good health.


Haematology is the medical speciality that studies, diagnoses, prevents and treats diseases related to our blood. The haematologist treats all the organs involved in blood production, such as the bone marrow, spleen and ganglia.


Neurology studies, prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system that affect the brain and spinal cord. Our neurologists will prescribe a treatment without surgery focused on preventing and rehabilitating conditions that affect the brain, skull and spine.


Neurophysiology is the medical speciality that studies, explores and records the functional activity of the central and peripheral nervous system, providing other specialists with the neurophysiological examinations necessary for the early detection of muscle and neurodegenerative diseases.

Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear Medicine is a medical specialty that uses radioactive substances (radiopharmaceuticals) for the diagnosis and treatment of different diseases.


Ophthalmology is the medical-surgical speciality that studies, diagnoses and treats diseases related to the eye. Our ophthalmologists know that bad vision seriously hinders our quality of life and can even prevent us from doing any professional or daily activity.


Otorhinolaryngology is the medical-surgical speciality that studies, diagnoses and treats diseases and disorders that affect the ear, nose, pharynx and larynx. Do you hear ringing or buzzing? Have you lost your sense of smell? Do you have difficulty swallowing?


Proctology is a medical specialty dedicated to the study, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus. This branch of general and digestive surgery focuses on providing effective and personalized solutions for the various conditions that can affect the lower digestive tract, thus improving the quality of life of patients.


Psychiatry is the medical speciality that prevents, evaluates and treats mental and brain diseases of genetic or neurological origin through treatments that combine psychopharmacotherapy, psychotherapy and socio-therapy.


Psychology is the discipline specialized in the study of the human mind. Study and analyze the behavior and cognitive and affective processes of people to diagnose, prevent and treat mental, emotional, social pathologies or learning problems.


Pulmonology is the medical speciality that studies, prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases of the respiratory system, specifically of the lungs, mediastinum (inside the rib cage) and pleura (tissue that covers the lungs).


Traumatology is the medical-surgical specialty that diagnoses and treats injuries of the locomotor system. The traumatologist will deal with trauma of congenital, tumoral and degenerative origin, but also with emergency traumatic injuries in both adults and children.


Urology is the medical-surgical specialty that prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases related to the urinary system as well as the male reproductive system. The urologist will be in charge of preventing and treating disorders of the prostate, bladder, kidney, urethra and ureters as well as disorders of the penis and testicles.


Our specialists

Dr. Piñero Zomeño, Adrià

Member no.: 53607

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Pifarré i Matas, Albert

Member no.: 19352

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Gironell Carreró, Alexandre

Member no.: 28.654

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. González Herrero, Blas

Member no.: 21642

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Pigrau Serrallach, Carles

Member no.: 12324

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Romero Carrete, Carlos José

Member no.: 49198

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dra. Alomar Serrallach, Enriqueta

Member no.: 17827

Centers: CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica

Sr. Franco Ballesta, Germán

Member no.: 22748

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Montenegro , Gustavo

Member no.: 44540

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Lia, Hernán Leonardo

Member no.: 67176

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Ezagüi Bentolila, Jaime León

Member no.: 45.013

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. de Pineda Alvarez, Javier

Member no.: 20868

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Martínez Pascuas, Javier

Member no.: 43365

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Adelantado Pérez, Joan

Member no.: 10191

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. García Picart, Joan

Member no.: 14923

Centers: CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Rivero Deniz, Joaquin

Member no.: 36083

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Hernández Vara, Jorge

Member no.: 36043

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Roig Cutillas, Jorge

Member no.: 12171

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Pérez García, José Ignacio

Member no.: 31849

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Mestres Sales, Josep Mª

Member no.: 10680

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Bernal Vargas, Juan

Member no.: 47.628

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Escobar Ulloa, Juan

Member no.: 334421

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Trenti , Loris

Member no.: 46902

Centers: CreuBlanca Maresme, CreuBlanca Tarradellas, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Segura Martínez, Luis Fernando

Member no.: 46806

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. González Llantada, Mª Carmen

Member no.: 29803

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Sr. Muñoz Rodríguez, Marc

Member no.: 19733

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dra. Bermúdez Silva, Marcela

Member no.: 40396

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dra. Marnet Fiol, Marta

Member no.: 19741

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dra. Renzulli Piccozzi, Michelina

Member no.: 56247

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Sra. Hurtado Carrasco, Mónica

Member no.: 15364

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Rodrigo de Losada, Rafael

Member no.: 20433

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Gonzalez Barceló, Ricard

Member no.: 32216

Centers: CreuBlanca Maresme, CreuBlanca Tarradellas, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Banegas Argota, Sebastian

Member no.: 46476

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dra. Enriquez Calzada, Silvia

Member no.: 63.053

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Nuñez Carrasco, Valery

Member no.: 55870

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Lainez Romo, Víctor

Member no.: 27991

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Trejo Martínez, Víctor

Member no.: 41702

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Espinal Tejada, Victor Walter

Member no.: 42465

Center: Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Bargalló Castelló, Xavier

Member no.: 26723

Center: Diagnosis Médica


CreuBlanca Maresme

C/ Pablo Iglesias, 43, Mataró

937 37 97 37

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Diagnosis Médica

C/ Córcega, 345

932 17 17 00

How to get there

CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Av. Josep Tarradellas, 104

934 192 323

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Clinic CreuBlanca

Av. J.V. Foix 63-71 / P. Reina Elisenda, 17

932 522 522

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CreuBlanca Pelayo

C/ Pelai, 40

934 121 212

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