Colonic Transit Time
What does it consist of?
To visualize how waste moves through the intestine and thus know how long it takes for the fecal bolus to travel through the colon, the patient must ingest two capsules with “radiopaque markers”, similar to feces, which are detected, once inside the intestine, by several x-rays of the abdomen. This allows you to visualize its passage through the digestive tract and calculate the colonic transit time in hours.

Who is it for?
The Colonic Transit Time test aims to study the alterations that cause chronic constipation refractory to usual treatments, as well as in patients with suspected Irritable Bowel Syndrome, functional diarrhea, assessing, in short, disorders of colon motility. Distinguishing constipation that occurs with a normal colonic transit time from that which does so with a prolongation of it.

How should you prepare?
The test does not require any prior preparation.
When you make the appointment, our team inform you about the pills that you have to take.

Medical professionals
The specialists who will assist you at CreuBlanca
A team of professionals to take care of you.

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