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Inicio | Centers | CreuBlanca Tarradellas
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Address: Av. Josep Tarradellas, 106
  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 7:30 to 21:00
  • Contact: 934 19 23 23
  • Bus: 27, 32, 41, 59, H10

CreuBlanca Tarradellas

The center, located between Plaça Francesc Macià and Sants Station, mainly offers gynecological and obstetric care, but it is also the only center in CreuBlanca that has a Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Unit.


It also has more than 30 professionals with extensive experience who will assist you in consultations with different specialties: dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, rheumatology, internal medicine, traumatology…


It has its own analysis laboratory, as well as an imaging diagnostic unit with the most advanced technologies.


Medical Authorization: E08050523

CreuBlanca Tarradellas is a medical center specialized in Gynecology and Rehabilitation, but its offer goes further, encompassing various medical specialties, as well as radiological tests.


Opening hours: 7:30h to 21h Monday to Friday

Saturdays, Sundays and holidays go to Clínica CreuBlanca


Without an appointment

  • Radiology: (Chest rx, bones, ortopantomography, telerradiography, mamography, densitometry): Monday to Friday: 8h to 20h. Exception: 17/4: 9h a 13h y de 16h a 19:30h
  • Blood test: Monday to Friday: de 8h to 10h.
  • Delivery results: Monday to Friday: 7:30h to 20h.


With an appointment

  • Other services: Monday to Friday, phone to 93 419 23 23
Tarradellas 1
Tarradellas 2
Tarradellas 3
Tarradellas 4

Our services

Radiology explorations

3D densitometry

Bone densitometry is a diagnostic technique that allows the measurement of bone mineral density.

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

Abdominal ultrasound

Technique that allows to evaluate the state of the organs of the digestive system.

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

Bilateral breast ultrasound

Screening technique for breast cancer, among other breast pathologies.

Breast explorations

Bilateral Mammography

It allows to explore the breast tissues in search of abnormal tissues, calcifications and any suspicious signs.

Radiology explorations

Bone densitometry

Bone densitometry is a diagnostic technique that allows the measurement of bone mineral density.

Breast explorations

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women. An early diagnosis is essential, as it will define the success of the treatment and the chances of a cure, which can be of 100% when detected early. Using precise and specific diagnostic techniques, such as a mammography, breast ultrasound scan or MRI, allows exploring the breasts and detecting any small abnormalities.

Radiology explorations

Conventional Radiology

Conventional Radiology facilitates the observation of the internal structures of the body

Breast explorations

Mammography + Breast ultrasound

Complementary techniques that help early detection of breast cancer.

Radiology explorations

Preoperative Study

Conjunto de pruebas previas a cualquier intervención o prueba que requiera de una anestesia.


A radiography is a fast, painless diagnostic technique that uses X-rays to obtain images of internal body structures, especially the bones. New techniques, such as Computed Radiography (CR) and Digital Radiography (DR), allow for higher quality projections and visual sharpness, as well as using low doses of ionising radiation.

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

Transvaginal ultrasound

Technique that allows to evaluate the state of the female genital organs and tissues.

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

Ultrasound pregnancy

Control tests and monitoring of pregnancy (first, second and third trimester).

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

The ultrasound scan is a simple, fast, non-invasive diagnostic technique that uses sound waves (ultrasounds) to generate images of organs, tissue and structures inside the body. During the scan, the specialist slides a device called a transducer over the part of the body to be studied. This transducer sends sound waves (ultrasounds) that bounce off different organs and tissues, forming the image.

Urological explorations

Urological ultrasound

We make all kinds of urological ultrasounds: Renal, Prostatic, Testicular, Vesical, Reno-vesico-prostatic.

Medical check-ups by specialty
Gynaecological check-up

A comprehensive check-up for the prevention and early diagnosis of gynaecological pathologies.


Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique based on inserting very fine needles at certain points on the body to reduce pain and inflammation. Needles act on the nervous system by stimulating the release of endorphins that produce an analgesic and calming effect.

Analysis laboratory

We carry out extractions and clinical analyses in all our centres based on a medical request. We offer a comprehensive service in all our centres with the highest quality standards.


The skin is the largest organ in our body. Dermatology is the branch of medicine that studies, diagnoses, prevents and treats diseases that affect nails, hair, mucous membranes and skin.

Diagnostic Imaging

Imaging Diagnosis is the medical specialty responsible for generating images of the interior of the body through the use of X-rays, ultrasounds and magnetic fields, among other physical agents, for the diagnosis and treatment of multiple pathologies.

General and internal medicine

General and internal medicine is the medical speciality aimed at preventing, diagnosing and treating the general health of patients. Our team of GPs are the foundation of medical care at CreuBlanca centres, and they will help you with any concerns regarding your health.


Gynaecology is the medical and surgical speciality that treats diseases of the female reproductive system. Do not forget to undergo a yearly check-up to prevent illnesses and make sure everything is in order. Through a physical examination, our team of gynaecologists will check that your uterus and vagina, as well as your ovaries and breasts, are in good health.


Otorhinolaryngology is the medical-surgical speciality that studies, diagnoses and treats diseases and disorders that affect the ear, nose, pharynx and larynx. Do you hear ringing or buzzing? Have you lost your sense of smell? Do you have difficulty swallowing?


Proctology is a medical specialty dedicated to the study, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the rectum and anus. This branch of general and digestive surgery focuses on providing effective and personalized solutions for the various conditions that can affect the lower digestive tract, thus improving the quality of life of patients.

Rehabilitation and physiotherapy

Rehabilitation and physiotherapy are the set of techniques and methods used to recover activity and mobility in bones, joints, tendons and muscles after suffering an injury, pathology or surgical procedure.


Rheumatology is the medical discipline that prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases that affect the musculoskeletal system. The rheumatologist treats diseases of the locomotor system and connective tissue, working closely with the traumatologist, which is the specialist who will perform the surgery if required.


Traumatology is the medical-surgical specialty that diagnoses and treats injuries of the locomotor system. The traumatologist will deal with trauma of congenital, tumoral and degenerative origin, but also with emergency traumatic injuries in both adults and children.


Urology is the medical-surgical specialty that prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases related to the urinary system as well as the male reproductive system. The urologist will be in charge of preventing and treating disorders of the prostate, bladder, kidney, urethra and ureters as well as disorders of the penis and testicles.


Our specialists

Dr. Toro Aguilera, Álvaro

Activity carried out: Consultations of Traumatology and surgical interventions. Shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand specialist.

Center: CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Dra. Torres Morán, Ana

Activity carried out: Gynaecological check-ups, gynaecological consultations, prenatal and gynaecological ultrasound scans

Center: CreuBlanca Tarradellas
Diagnostic Imaging

Dra. Lluís Mourenza, Anna

Activity carried out: Digestive, urological, muscle, skin, surface, thyroid and interventional ultrasound scans

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Tarradellas, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Vela Martínez, Antonio

Activity carried out: Head of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Unit. Gynaecological check-ups, pregnancy control and monitoring, gynaecological and prenatal ultrasound scans

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Dr. Vidal Sarró, David

Activity carried out: Dermatology consultations

Center: CreuBlanca Tarradellas
Diagnostic Imaging

Dra. Di Gregorio, Silvana

Activity carried out: Adult Endocrinology, 3D Densitometry

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Dr. Matiñó Soler, Eusebi

Activity carried out: Otorhinolaryngology consultations, specialist in vertigo disorders, vestibular tests

Center: CreuBlanca Tarradellas
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Aguilera Manrique, Fernando

Activity carried out: Diagnostic imaging: CT, X-rays, digestive, urological and muscular ultrasound scans

Centers: CreuBlanca Pelayo, CreuBlanca Tarradellas, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Vila Chinchilla, Francisco

Activity carried out: Urology consultations, urological check-ups. Specialist in andrology.

Center: CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Dr. Chacón, Gabriel Antonio

Activity carried out: Consultations of traumatology

Center: CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Dr. Boguña Ponsa, José María

Activity carried out: Gynaecological check-ups, gynaecological consultations, pregnancy control

Center: CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Dr. Solé Sedaño, Josep Mª

Activity carried out: Gynaecological check-ups, gynaecological consultations, gynaecological and prenatal ultrasounds

Center: CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Dr. Zanui Maestre, Juan Francisco

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Center: CreuBlanca Tarradellas
General surgery

Dr. Trenti , Loris

Activity carried out: Proctology Consultations. Treatment and surgical interventions of anorectal pathologies. Endoanal ultrasound.

Centers: CreuBlanca Maresme, CreuBlanca Tarradellas, Diagnosis Médica

Dr. Llinares Riera, Luis

Activity carried out: Rheumatology visits

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Dra. Sotero Ferrer, Nuria

Activity carried out: Gynaecological check-ups, pregnancy control and monitoring, prenatal and gynaecological ultrasound scans

Center: CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Dr. Gonzalez Barceló, Ricard

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Centers: CreuBlanca Maresme, CreuBlanca Tarradellas, Diagnosis Médica
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Nuevo Pérez, Ricardo

Activity carried out: Radiology reports

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, CreuBlanca Pelayo, CreuBlanca Tarradellas, Diagnosis Médica
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Boye de la Presa, Rosa Mª

Activity carried out: Abdominal and renovesicoprostatic ultrasound scans

Center: CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Dr. Massanet José, Sergi

Activity carried out: Traumatology consultation and surgical procedures

Center: CreuBlanca Tarradellas


CreuBlanca Maresme

C/ Pablo Iglesias, 43, Mataró

937 37 97 37

How to get there See more

Diagnosis Médica

C/ Córcega, 345

932 17 17 00

How to get there See more

CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Av. Josep Tarradellas, 104

934 192 323

How to get there

Clinic CreuBlanca

Av. J.V. Foix 63-71 / P. Reina Elisenda, 17

932 522 522

How to get there See more

CreuBlanca Pelayo

C/ Pelai, 40

934 121 212

How to get there See more

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