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Rosa Mª Boye de la Presa
Member no.: 10645
Activity carried out: Abdominal and renovesicoprostatic ultrasound scans
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Dr. Rosa Mª Boye de la Presa holds a prominent position in the field of diagnostic imaging of the abdomen and urinary system, backed by a solid training and extensive professional experience. After years of experience in this specialty, Dr. Boye de la Presa has become a reference in the detection and accurate diagnosis of a wide range of pathologies in these areas.

Her specialty lies in the performance of abdominal ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound, urethrocystography and hepatic elastography. Her remarkable experience allows her to offer personalized attention tailored to each patient, adjusting to their specific needs.

Dr. Rosa Mª Boye de la Presa is distinguished by a human and close treatment with her patients, dedicating the necessary time to explain in detail the results of the tests and answer any questions they may have.

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