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Inicio | Centers | CreuBlanca Pelayo
CB_Pelai_Logo (1)
Address: C/ Pelai, 40
  • Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 8:30 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00
  • Contact: 934 12 12 12
  • Bus: 59, V13, 67
  • FGC: Plaça Catalunya (L6, L7, S1, S2, S5, S57)
  • Metro: Universitat (L1, L2) Plaça Catalunya (L3 )
  • Renfe: Plaça Catalunya

CreuBlanca Pelayo

CreuBlanca Pelayo consultations with specialists in internal medicine and otorhinolaryngology, as well as the most advanced equipment for X-rays, dental CTs and ultrasounds. It also has its own analysis laboratory.


Medical Authorization: E08012091

If you need a medical certificate, whatever the type, CreuBlanca Pelayo is your center.


Opening hours: 8h to 14h and 16h to 20h Monday to Friday

Saturdays, Sundays and holidays go to Clínica CreuBlanca


Without an appointment

  • Radiology: (chest rx, bones, ortopantomography, telerradiography): Monday to Friday: 9h to 13h and 16h to 19:30h.
  • Blood test: Monday to Friday:  8h to 10h. Thursday 17/4 the service is closed
  • Delivery results: Monday to Friday: 8h to 14h and 16h to 20h
  • Medical Certificates: Monday to Friday: 9h to 14h and 16h to 20h


With an appointment

  • Other services: Monday to Friday,  phone to 93 412 12 12
Pelayo 1

Our services

Ultrasound scan & Doppler echo

Abdominal ultrasound

Technique that allows to evaluate the state of the organs of the digestive system.

Radiology explorations

Conventional Radiology

Conventional Radiology facilitates the observation of the internal structures of the body

Multidetector Computed Tomography (CT)

Osteoarticular CT

Imaging diagnostic technique to evaluate lesions in shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles, feet...

Radiology explorations

Preoperative Study

Conjunto de pruebas previas a cualquier intervención o prueba que requiera de una anestesia.


A radiography is a fast, painless diagnostic technique that uses X-rays to obtain images of internal body structures, especially the bones. New techniques, such as Computed Radiography (CR) and Digital Radiography (DR), allow for higher quality projections and visual sharpness, as well as using low doses of ionising radiation.

Urological explorations

Urological ultrasound

We make all kinds of urological ultrasounds: Renal, Prostatic, Testicular, Vesical, Reno-vesico-prostatic.

Occupational medical check-ups
Certificate for the operation of heavy machinery

The medical certificate for the operation of heavy machinery is an approved document issued by a doctor who assesses a person’s psycho-physical suitability and determines whether or not they are fit to handle and drive goods or transport vehicles classified as fixed or mobile cranes.

Other medical check-ups and certificates
Certificate of possession of dangerous animals

Review to determine if a person is fit to be in charge of an animal considered potentially dangerous or aggressive.

Occupational medical check-ups
Driving certificate for professionals

The driving medical certificate is a legal document that certifies that a person is fit to handle and drive class BTP, C1, C, D1, D and E vehicles for professional use.

Sports medical check-ups
Medical certificate for scuba diving

A check-up to rule out any pathology that may contraindicate the practice of sport.

Analysis laboratory

We carry out extractions and clinical analyses in all our centres based on a medical request. We offer a comprehensive service in all our centres with the highest quality standards.

Diagnostic Imaging

Imaging Diagnosis is the medical specialty responsible for generating images of the interior of the body through the use of X-rays, ultrasounds and magnetic fields, among other physical agents, for the diagnosis and treatment of multiple pathologies.

General and internal medicine

General and internal medicine is the medical speciality aimed at preventing, diagnosing and treating the general health of patients. Our team of GPs are the foundation of medical care at CreuBlanca centres, and they will help you with any concerns regarding your health.


Otorhinolaryngology is the medical-surgical speciality that studies, diagnoses and treats diseases and disorders that affect the ear, nose, pharynx and larynx. Do you hear ringing or buzzing? Have you lost your sense of smell? Do you have difficulty swallowing?


Our specialists
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Aguilera Manrique, Fernando

Activity carried out: Diagnostic imaging: CT, X-rays, digestive, urological and muscular ultrasound scans

Centers: CreuBlanca Pelayo, CreuBlanca Tarradellas, Diagnosis Médica

Sr. Navarro Montes, Jordi

Activity carried out: Psychological tests, medical certificates

Center: CreuBlanca Pelayo
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Clavero Torrent, Juan Ángel

Activity carried out: Dental studies by CT, MRI, CT, X-rays.

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Pelayo, Diagnosis Médica
Diagnostic Imaging

Dr. Nuevo Pérez, Ricardo

Activity carried out: Radiology reports

Centers: Clinic CreuBlanca, CreuBlanca Maresme, CreuBlanca Pelayo, CreuBlanca Tarradellas, Diagnosis Médica


CreuBlanca Maresme

C/ Pablo Iglesias, 43, Mataró

937 37 97 37

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Diagnosis Médica

C/ Córcega, 345

932 17 17 00

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CreuBlanca Tarradellas

Av. Josep Tarradellas, 104

934 192 323

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Clinic CreuBlanca

Av. J.V. Foix 63-71 / P. Reina Elisenda, 17

932 522 522

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CreuBlanca Pelayo

C/ Pelai, 40

934 121 212

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