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Radiology explorations

3D densitometry

Bone densitometry is a diagnostic technique that allows the measurement of bone mineral density.

Radiology explorations


Diagnostic technique that, through the use of X-rays, allows visualizing the interior of the lacrimal ducts and sacs of the eye.

Radiology explorations

Conventional Radiology

Conventional Radiology facilitates the observation of the internal structures of the body

Radiology explorations

Preoperative Study

Conjunto de pruebas previas a cualquier intervención o prueba que requiera de una anestesia.

Radiology explorations

Interventional Radiology

Discipline that uses diagnostic imaging techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies.

Radiology explorations

Contrast Radiology

Contrast radiology is a diagnostic technique that combines the use of RX and contrast media to visualize internal structures of the body (opaque enema, hysterosalpingography, cystography, urethrography, pyelography, CUMS, intestinal transit, sialography, colonic transit).

Radiology explorations

Bone densitometry

Bone densitometry is a diagnostic technique that allows the measurement of bone mineral density.

Radiology explorations

Scoliogram and Telemetry

Full spine and lower extremity radiographs.