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Discover Integrative Pediatrics at CreuBlanca Maresme

Sandra Moya Villanueva
Specialist in Children's Integrative Medicine and Acupuncture for Children and Adults.
03 Oct 2024
3 Min
Pediatrics and Well-being

Integrative Medicine is a discipline that combines both conventional and natural medicine to bring to the patient all those therapeutic techniques that can be beneficial to them. It is an extension of the concept of health and prevention that seeks to integrate the potential of natural medicine in the treatment of certain pathologies.

Its fundamental principle is “Primum non nocere”, which in English translates as “First do no harm”. This maxim leads us to use as a priority those drugs or techniques less aggressive and with fewer side effects to treat any pathological process. This does not imply in any case discarding the use of conventional pharmacology when it is necessary.

In the new Integrative Pediatrics Area of the CreuBlanca Maresme Hospital, our mission is to improve the health of children and adolescents through the application of both natural and conventional techniques and therapies.

The philosophy of Integrative Medicine

Our body tends to health, but when faced with an aggressive or unbalanced element, physiological reactions develop in an attempt to counteract or eliminate this noxa, for instance, fever. The therapeutic resources of Integrative Medicine aim to reinforce these healing reactions of the organism itself to help it regain its balance.

In order to do so, we consider each patient as an individual being, with personal characteristics that require a therapeutic action adjusted to his or her situation. That is why in Integrative Pediatrics, factors such as the constitution, the state of mind, the moment of development, as well as the family and school environment of the child are considered in order to establish an effective treatment plan.

What patients do we see?

The specialists of the Integrative Pediatrics Area treat both healthy and sick children.

  • Healthy children: We focus on the idea of “generating health”, transmitting to the families all those concepts that can help to improve the physical and emotional condition of their children, so that they can have the most harmonious and disease-free growth possible. We work on aspects such as nutrition, life habits, rhythms of the day, advice on family and extracurricular activities, etc.
  • Sick children: We will attend patients urgently when necessary, regardless of age. We will assess the situation, determine a diagnosis, establish a treatment and schedule the necessary controls until the patient is discharged from the hospital.


In our usual practice, many patients come to our office for recurrent processes, such as respiratory infections, otorhinolaryngological conditions or digestive pathologies, looking for treatments with fewer side effects and ways to solve these problems. These cases require a precise diagnostic study in the broadest sense (ruling out underlying physical problems and carrying out a study of the patient’s family, school and emotional situation) and a personalized therapeutic approach.

As for behavioral or learning disorders, a multidisciplinary diagnostic study and a treatment along the same lines will be necessary, which will be different in each case.

What do we offer in our Integrative Pediatrics consultation?

  • Personalized attention by pediatricians with formal training and experience in different areas of children’s health.
  • Accompaniment during the growth, development and upbringing of your child.
  • Respectful support for any parenting option the family has chosen.
  • Holistic care, especially of health, but also of pathology when an imbalance appears.
  • Advice to empower your own tools in the care of your child’s health, without always having to resort to conventional pharmacology.
  • Integration of different types of medicine that complement each other.


In the Integrative Pediatrics Area at CreuBlanca Maresme we accompany you in every step of the process of care for your child. We will dedicate the time you need to resolve your doubts and concerns, and we will maintain close contact outside the face-to-face visit, to ensure continuous monitoring. Our priority is to ensure the health and well-being of our youngest patients through holistic and personalized care.

If you think your child could benefit from an integrative approach, we invite you to contact our team. Make an appointment by calling 937 37 97 97 37 or through our Medical Appointment Portal.