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3D or volumetric Densitometry

PORTADAS WEB_densitometria 3d
27 Feb 2024
2 Min

CreuBlanca’s Imaging Diagnosis Unit introduces an innovative radiological technique for the prevention, diagnosis, and control of osteoporosis, in order to improve our diagnostic studies and offer quality service to our patients. This is 3D or volumetric Densitometry, which, thanks to the pioneering 3D-SHAPER software, obtains 3D images from conventional densitometry, allowing for a more detailed and specific evaluation of bone density and visualization of local changes in cortical and trabecular bone behavior.

What does it consist on?

3D densitometry, unlike conventional densitometry, allows differentiation between trabecular, cortical, or both bone involvement, to more efficiently discriminate patients at risk of hip fracture. Furthermore, this examination allows for appropriate treatment according to the predominant affected bone type and more precise therapeutic monitoring due to treatment impacts.

Beyond its diagnostic precision, 3D densitometry emits very low doses of radiation, specifically 20 times less than a chest x-ray, making it a test of special interest as it poses no health risk.

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by the deterioration of bone mass, increasing the risk of fractures. Bones become fragile and porous, losing their density. This condition is often referred to as a “silent disease” because it progresses without noticeable symptoms until a fracture occurs. While it affects the entire skeleton, the incidence of fractures resulting from low-energy trauma (falls from one’s own height) is predominant in the hip, wrist, and spine (these are recognized as major osteoporotic fractures). The risk of experiencing an osteoporotic fracture doubles in cases of a previous fracture, hence it is advisable to establish specific treatment to reduce it.

Densitometry, as an imaging technique, is the gold standard for diagnosis, as well as for evaluating therapeutic responses. Technological advances currently offer two complementary evaluations to conventional densitometry: Trabecular Bone Score and 3D-DXA parameters in the hip. It is recognized that the roles of trabecular and cortical bone differ and therefore respond to different factors specifically. For this reason, recognizing the specific changes in each of them adds distinctive and exclusive value to the use of hip 3D.

Our Professionals

We have a multidisciplinary team of professionals specialized in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of osteoporosis.

Our specialists will help you obtain a complete, accurate, and personalized assessment of your bone health, allowing you to improve your quality of life and prognosis of your condition.

CreuBlanca embodies a future-oriented vision as a formula for success and progress. Continuous improvement and investment in cutting-edge technology have positioned the healthcare group as a benchmark in the field of diagnostic imaging.


Imaging Diagnosis