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Inicio | Specialties | Plastic and reconstructive surgery

Our differential service

A CreuBlanca comptem amb sales d’operacions altament equipades amb la tecnologia més avançada per fer aquest tipus d’intervencions. Les cirurgies plàstiques i reconstructives es fan a la nostra Clínica CreuBlanca, on podràs quedar-te hospitalitzat si cal i on un expert equip d’anestesistes donarà suport al cirurgià durant la intervenció.
Si vols millorar certs aspectes físics que t’incomoden o necessites restaurar zones afectades per malformacions congènites, cremades, lesions, tumors o procés involutiu que afecten el teu aspecte físic i t’impedeix fer activitats de la teva vida quotidiana amb normalitat, demana cita amb un cirurgià estètic i reconstructiu.

Cirugía plástica y reconstructiva
Plastic and reconstructive surgery

What plastic and reconstructive surgeries do we perform?

By means of a physical examination and an interview in which you can explain which physical feature bothers you or you would like to improve, the specialist will conduct a diagnosis and prescribe a personalised treatment for you. These are the most common plastic and reconstructive surgical procedures carried out at CreuBlanca

  • Augmentation mammoplasty.
  • Abdominal lipectomy.
  • Ear pinning.
  • Facial lifts.
  • Rhinoplasties.
  • Reconstructive operations due to skin lesions.
Main techniques and technologies

At CreuBlanca we invest in and deploy the most advanced and innovative technologies in order to offer an optimal care service based on personalized treatment and the achievement of natural and effective results.

Lipofilling technique

Anatomical breast implants

Endoscopic surgery



Medical professionals

The specialists who will assist you at CreuBlanca

A professional team to care you.

Dra. Pons Playa, Gemma

Member no.: 33216

Center: Clínica CreuBlanca

Dr. Palao Domènech, Ricard

Member no.: 17983

Center: Clínica CreuBlanca

Dr. Condrea , Silvia

Member no.: 59435

Center: Clínica CreuBlanca


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