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Yasser Beovides Medero
Member no.: 56367
Activity carried out: Cardiology consultation, cardiac check-ups, ergometry, echocardiograms, echo-Doppler
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Dr. Yassel Beovides Medero is a cardiologist with extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. His training and experience allow him to offer comprehensive medical care to his patients, from prevention to the management of complex cardiac conditions.

More than 10 years of experience endorse his trajectory in the field of cardiology. He is a specialist in cardiology consultations and check-ups, ergometry, echocardiograms and echo-Doppler, among others.

His personalized attention and continuous follow-up make him an integral professional who cares about the wellbeing of his patients. He provides constant support and follow-up, creating a warm and trusting environment.

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