Instructions and preparations
Follow the recommendations of our medical team and come prepared for your Urodynamics study
Necessary medications
Si tienes que realizarte una urodinamia, será necesaria la siguiente medicación:
MONUROL 3gr (2 recipients)
If you are intolerant to Monurol: CIPROFLOXACINO 500mg, pills
ENEMA CASSEN 250 cc (only if you are constipated)
Day before your urodynamic examination
Prepare for your test by following these guidelines:
24 hours before the test: take 1 sachet of MONUROL 3 gr.
24 hours before the test (allergic to MONUROL): take 1c/12 hours of CIPROFLOXACIN 500 mg.
Night before the test (if you suffer from constipation): apply an ENEMA CASEN 250 ml.
Day of the exploration
On the day of the test, you must not forget:
2 hours before the test: drink ½ liter of water and try not to urinate, arrive with a full bladder.
MONUROL 3 gr: take 1 sachet after performing the test.
CIPROFLOXACIN 500 mg (allergic to MONUROL): take 1c/12 hours after performing the test.
After the exploration
The same day of the test you will be discharged, but you can present any of these discomforts:
- Discomfort when urinating
- Blood in the urine