Multiparameter Prostate MRI
What does it consist of?
The multiparametric study of the prostate that consists of obtaining an anatomical image (differentiating between benign and malignant pathology), a metabolic image (citrate and choline concentration), a diffusion image (tumor aggressiveness) and a dynamic study with contrast (grade of vascularization of the tumor).
To carry out the test, you must remain stretched out on your back with your head resting on a cushion and a radiologist will administer contrast to mark the area to be studied. Next, the stretcher will move until the urogenital area is in the center of the resonance equipment. The test can last from 20 to 45 minutes. During this time, you will have to remain as calm as possible, since the taking of images is not continuous, but different image planes are made. Once finished you can continue with your daily life as normal.

Cases in which it is recommended
Who is it for?
Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate has multiple uses, including:
- Evaluate and locate lesions in the prostate.
- Assess the extent of the tumor.
- Establish the tumor stage of the patient.
- Locate the lesion and properly direct a second biopsy when the patient has elevated PSA values and a negative result from a previous biopsy.
- Follow up on cancer.
- Determine a prognosis and plan treatment.
- Find lesions if there is persistent discomfort, and other studies do not show clear results.
- Plan the removal of a tumor and prevent the spread of cancer cells.

How should you prepare?
First, they will administer a contrast to mark the area to be studied. Subsequently, you should be stretched out in the MRI for 20-45 minutes, remaining as calm as possible throughout the scan.
- Metallic objects: The technician will give you the necessary instructions, provide you with a gown, and ask you to remove any metallic objects (jewelry, watches, piercings, hairpins, mobile phones, dental prostheses, and hearing aids).
- Cardiac devices: It is important that you inform the technician about any device that you have implanted in your body (pacemakers, electrodes and clips from previous surgeries).
- Test duration: The test can last from 20 to 45 minutes depending on the study being performed. During this time it is important that you remain still.
- Hydration: Drink plenty of water to remove contrast from the body.

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